“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.”

Isaiah 53:5
Ebenezer Scrooge knew that listening to the Spirit of Christmas Yet to Come was exactly what he needed to do. But he dreaded what this spirit would tell him. Isn’t that how we all are when faced with hardship? It may be for our good, yet we dread its coming. I remember the fears I had when facing the delivery of our fifth son. My previous pregnancy ended with a difficult and tragic birth, so I knew what was ahead could be hard. In God’s grace, all went well and we were given another precious little boy.

When Jesus predicted what was going to happen to Him, Peter didn’t want to hear of it. The situation looked awful. Although prophecies about Jesus’ sufferings were clear, the disciples longed for another way. The way of suffering and shame was too hard for them to comprehend. Even though the cross was indescribably horrible, it was God’s best for the salvation of all who believe in Him.

As you, or someone you know, are walking through trials, remember to trust the Lord who is able to use it for your best.

Scripture Focus

Matthew 16:21-23


God’s way is not always the easiest way, but it is always the best way.

Bible In A Year

  • Zechariah 1-4
  • Proverbs 28
  • Revelation 13-14

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