“Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. … Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.”

Psalm 51:1, 7
Living in the Midwest provides a runner with every imaginable weather scenario in which to train. While many dread winter running, I find it to be the most invigorating! One of my favorite times to run is during and immediately after a snow shower caused by moisture from Lake Michigan. It’s a rare and exceptional snow because it doesn’t rage like a blizzard; rather it comes with quiet, steadily-falling, big, fluffy flakes. The silence it creates is magnificent! In those times, the Bible’s phrases “whiter than snow” and “Be still and know that I am God!” come together powerfully.

We live in an age of cell phones, fast food, and insta-everything where it’s easy to lose any sense of what “still” even means. Running in a fresh snowfall reminds me to be still before God—blocking out all other sounds and distractions, to focus only on Him.

It also renews my awe of the complete forgiveness I have been given in Christ. Jesus does not make us as white as snow, but whiter! We are made utterly clean because of His great love and mercy toward us.

Scripture Focus

Psalm 46


Find a place and a way in your day to be still before the Lord and to bask in the wonder of His forgiveness

Bible In A Year

  • 2 Chronicles 21-22
  • Psalm 18
  • Matthew 25

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