“We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye …. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.”

1 Corinthians 15:51-52
Recently, I went bowling with a group of young men with disabilities. We had a blast. There were cheers and high fives for every throw—gutter balls and all! Because our group moves at a slower pace than much of the world, several of us were not able to complete a game in the time we had. But no one complained in the least. 

Our unfinished bowling game reminded me that we are all unfinished. His work in us is not yet complete. At the same time, every one of us is exactly who God has made us to be in this moment. So why do we set up arbitrary distinctions between ability and disability? Wouldn’t it make more sense to cheer on everyone for the abilities God has given them? Rather than comparing abilities, we would look forward to seeing who God is making each of us to be. 

My life is fuller and richer because of my friends with disabilities. We’re following Jesus together, looking forward to His return and cheering each other on along the way. We are unfinished, but because of Jesus, we know that one day we will be changed!


Scripture Focus

2 Corinthians 4:13-18


“Then we shall be where we would be,/ Then We shall be what we should be,/ Things that are not now, nor could be,/ Soon shall be our own.”(Thomas Kelly, 1806)

Bible In A Year

  • Job 37-38
  • Psalm 60
  • Luke 23

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