“Christ Jesus … being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.”

Philippians 2:5-7
I loved watching superhero movies with my kids when they were younger. In fact, I still do, though my kids are mostly grown. We’re fascinated by stories of characters with super strength and other-worldly powers. In ancient times, such characters were believed to be fathered by the gods. In our modern stories, they might come from outer space or have some scientific origin.

But Jesus is not a mere superhero. Nor is He a half-god/half-man hybrid. He is fully God and fully human. Though that apparent contradiction is hard to understand, we cannot make Him something He is not just so we can better understand Him.

The Advent angel announced that He is the Messiah, the Lord Himself. He was to be more than just a special teacher or performer of miracles. As the Son of God, Jesus has all of God’s attributes; He is infinite, eternal, and perfect in holiness, righteousness, and truth. Yet in His humanity, He is one of us. As Lord, His perfect spotlessness is what can cleanse us of our sin and set us free from death.


Scripture Focus

Luke 2:8-14


“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.” (John 1:1-2)

Bible In A Year

  • Amos 1-3
  • Proverbs 17
  • 1 John 1-2

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