“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.”

Hebrews 10:24
Each of us who hears and believes the message of the gospel is called to share that message wherever the circumstances of life bring us.

Not long ago, my friend John was admitted to the hospital due to the failing condition of his heart. He felt worried and concerned. He also wasn’t exactly thrilled about having to share a hospital room with another patient. But the Lord, of course, had John exactly where He wanted him. During John’s time in that shared room, God opened an opportunity for him to talk about the good news of the gospel with his roommate, a man whose family had been praying for his salvation for many years!

We don’t know where the circumstances of life will bring us; we may be facing trials that we feel completely unprepared for; we may be confronting troubles that we’ll never see the end of. But we do know that the good news of Jesus Christ is real and needs to sink into our hearts every day. It’s news everyone needs to hear, news that we are called to share, even as this world grows overshadowed by sin, worry, and war.

Scripture Focus

Hebrews 10:11-25


“God did not create humans in his image to be aimless, like leaves blown around the backyard of life. He created us to be purposeful.” (John Piper, 1997)

Bible In A Year

  • 2 Samuel 13-14
  • Psalm 142
  • 1 Thessalonians 1-2

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