“I was personally unknown to the churches of Judea … . They only heard the report: ‘The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.’ And they praised God because of me.”

Galatians 1:22-24
Like Saul who persecuted the Church, John Newton (1725-1827) seemed a hopeless case. But praise God, there are none beyond His reach! His grace is magnified by saving wretches and making them His faithful servants.

Born in London, John Newton was the son of a godly mother and a rough sea captain. The death of his mother when he was six ended the Christian nurture in his life. At 11, he began accompanying his father on voyages, and at 19 was pressed into service by the British Royal Navy. Refusing Navy discipline, he deserted and entered the slave trade. Describing these years, Newton said, “I sinned with a high hand, and I made it my study to tempt and seduce others.”

He took a job with a slave trader in West Africa. Later imprisoned under false accusations, he was treated brutally until he was rescued by a friend of his father. During Newton’s return voyage to England, the ship on which he traveled was caught in a fierce storm. All he could do was plead with God for mercy. And amazing grace then reached the most unlikely of men!


Miller A. Ferrie 

A Mississippi native, Miller Ferrie is the wife of Paul, pastor of Grace Reformed Church of the Lord Jesus in New Leipzig, North Dakota. She is eternally grateful for being drawn savingly to Christ in 1971 through the ministry of Campus Crusade at Mississippi State University. After teaching middle school English in Mississippi and in Texas for several years, she became a mom and homeschooled their son Daniel. She returned to teaching for a time but now is retired in their small ND town, enjoying church activities, substitute teaching, and editing devotional materials.


Scripture Focus

Acts 9


In 1772 Newton wrote the words to the hymn “Amazing Grace,” which has been sung around the world for 250 years. Let it play in your mind today!

Bible In A Year

  • Job 41-42
  • Psalm 62
  • John 1

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