“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.”

Psalm 119:105
When I was visiting my sister in California, she drove me on a route she thought would be a perfect loop for me to run. So I made a mental note of it. Later I headed confidently out the door but soon realized my memory of the route was fuzzy. Also, I didn’t take into account that the sun sets early in California—when it gets dark, it’s really dark! My joyful run turned into a frightening experience in pitch darkness on winding mountain roads. With no idea where I was, I begged God to protect me and lead me. I finally saw a small light emerge in the distance and focused my eyes on it. By following that light, I oriented myself and eventually ended up back at my sister’s house.

As we navigate this world darkened by sin, God shines His light on our path. We struggle in the dark places—times of depression, loss, sickness, and difficulty. The more we fret, the darker the path seems. But praise God that in His grace, there is a Light whose name is Jesus! He cannot be hidden even in the darkest places. We set our gaze on Him, and He shows us the way.

Scripture Focus

Micah 7:8-9


Are you in a dark place? Look for the light of Jesus in the Bible. He’ll lead you home and into His light, one step at a time.

Bible In A Year

  • 2 Chronicles 27-28
  • Psalm 21
  • Matthew 28

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