“And seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority …. And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church.”

Ephesians 1:20-22
When we brought a new puppy into our family, we had no idea how much work lay ahead of us. Potty training and puppy classes filled our days and nights for a long while. One particularly frustrating day, I cried out to God while Genesis 1:26 popped into my head—God’s mandate for humankind to exercise dominion over creation.

Though I’d make plenty of mistakes along the way, I returned to puppy training with renewed purpose.

Adam failed to obey God’s charge to rule creation when he listened to the serpent’s words and yielded to temptation. But Jesus did not fail. When confronted by the ancient enemy both in the wilderness when Satan tempted Him, and in the garden when He agonized in prayer, He ruled Himself for our sake.

Now Jesus has ascended in His resurrected body, carrying our flesh into heaven. As the Man at God’s Right Hand, He exercises dominion over the original creation and over the new creation, His church.

Exercising dominion over ourselves, our lives, and our tasks is a high calling. Turn to your reigning Lord for help.

Scripture Focus

Psalm 8


“What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?” (Psalm 8:4)

Bible In A Year

  • Judges 1-2
  • Psalm 109
  • Romans 11-12

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