“Finally, brothers, …listen to my appeal, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.”

2 Corinthians 13:11
Sometimes the holidays highlight our divisions and bitterness more than peace. We can feel discouraged, dwelling on the ways people we love hurt us. For some families it’s painful even to get together at Christmas. Others have no family at all.

But on Christmas Day, perhaps more than on any other day of the year, we remember that we still have peace with God. In fact, whether it be peace between nations or between individuals, peace always begins with God. Our natural state is frightened self-preservation. But when we know we are in a right relationship with the all-powerful God of the universe, it’s easier to bear the insults and criticisms of even our worst enemies or our dearest loved ones.

Jesus paid the ultimate cost—His death at Calvary—to give us the most valuable Christmas gift ever. If we have peace with God through faith in Jesus, even if others are at odds with us, we can show them the peace of Christ.

May your Christmas Day be bathed in gratitude for the peace, love, and harmony we know through the Advent of Jesus.


Scripture Focus

Luke 2:8-14


“Live in harmony with one another…. As far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” (Romans 12:16, 18)

Bible In A Year

  • Habakkuk 1-3
  • Proverbs 25
  • Revelation 6-7

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