“Your faith in God has become known everywhere. … They tell how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God.”

1 Thessalonians 1:8b, 9b
As spiritual beings, we all feel a need for devotion to something outside of ourselves. We were made as beings who want to worship. And because we function so much out of what we see, worship (in our culture and around the world) often has to do with visual objects. This was true in ancient Thessalonica, as well. But a deliberate turning away from and a turning to another focus of worship was needed. Paul encouraged, comforted, and commended them in this new way of life, trusting in God Himself rather than idols. 

We’ll all do well to look at our own hearts and survey what its idols are. Ask, who is on the throne of my life? My house? My vacations? My kids? My relationships? Substances like alcohol and the settings I enjoy them in? Myself? 

Some time ago a friend confessed to me his alcohol addiction but has since placed his faith in Christ. He is not on his journey alone. His church family and a Celebrate Recovery group have helped him along the way. Let’s examine our own hearts and encourage one another in putting Jesus Christ first.


Scripture Focus

1 Thessalonians 1:1-10


The last words of John’s first letter—the place where he would write his important closing thoughts—say, “Dear children, keep yourselves from idols” (5:21).

Bible In A Year

  • Ecclesiastes 3-4
  • Psalm 64
  • John 4

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