“The things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.”

2 Timothy 2:2
I had a good friend in college, Matt, who discipled me in my early years as a Christian. His influence on my life still lingers today. He was on staff with a campus ministry, and we spent time together weekly for several years, studying the Word, sharing the stories of our faith, and teaming up on two mission trips. I am in full-time ministry today partly because of his faithfulness to 

2 Timothy 2:2. Matt saw to it that the deposit of the gospel in me was growing and flourishing.

Paul told Timothy to take the things he had been taught and pass them on to others who would in turn go on to repeat the process. Like Timothy, leaders and shepherds in the church are called to this. Parents in their homes are called to pass on the faith to the next generation also. As we mature through the ministry of the saints in our lives, we are also called to impact someone else with the truths of God’s Word.

Can you be a part of this cycle of discipleship, both as a disciple and as a mentor? God’s kingdom endures throughout the ages in this way.

Scripture Focus

2 Timothy 2:1-2


Father, please use us, imperfect sinners that we are, to share the precious gospel with others. Build Your church until Jesus returns. In His powerful name, Amen.

Bible In A Year

  • Isaiah 57-58
  • Psalm 99
  • Acts 22

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