“At this, the man’s face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth.”

Mark 10:22
Cynicism is often accompanied by the lie of helplessness. The rich young ruler in our passage was called by Jesus to sell his possessions, not because his wealth was evil, but because it stood in the way of a relationship with God. He walked away sorrowful because he was not able (or willing) to act. 

Depressed Christians often feel similarly. Like the rich young ruler, we feel paralyzed. Instead of embracing God’s sovereign control over us and finding in Him the freedom to live for His glory, we embrace a fatalism that sees God always working around us but not in and through us. We embrace the lie that we are helpless in this world. 

Jesus, in love, looked upon this rich young ruler (see v. 21) and pointed him away from his wealth. If only this man had understood that the One speaking to him was the One who could also change him! If you struggle with depression, be assured that there is real hope. Jesus is ready and willing to meet you in your darkness. You are not helpless because you always have a Helper. 

Scripture Focus

Mark 10:17-31


“But you, God, see the trouble of the afflicted; you consider their grief and take it in hand…. You are… [their] helper.” (Psalm 10:14)

Bible In A Year

  • Esther 1-2
  • Psalm 38
  • Luke 1

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