“When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son.”

Hosea 11:1
Several years ago while I was watching the 1985 movie Out of Africa, I fell in love with that widely-varied and beautiful continent. But also, the film’s title has prompted me to think of the prophet’s phrase in the Bible, “out of Egypt.” From that African country—by way of His being re-routed there—Jesus, the Savior of the world, would come.

Hosea warned Israel of God’s impending judgment for their idolatry. But he also gave Israel reason for hope in the prophecy that something (Someone!) magnificent would come from Egypt. The reference to “Israel” brings to mind Jacob; it brings to mind his descendants enslaved there, whom God brought out of captivity and through the Red Sea. The miraculous victory over Pharaoh and the exodus of the Hebrew people became a hallmark of how the One true God leads and protects His children. Some 1,400 years later God instructed Mary and Joseph to hide Jesus in Egypt until Herod’s death.

God brought the Israelites out of Egypt to rescue them physically. He brought Jesus out of Egypt to rescue us spiritually.

Scripture Focus

Hosea 11:1-7


Our great God had Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection planned long before He created us. No Christmas gift compares with that!

Bible In A Year

  • Hosea 1-3
  • Proverbs 11
  • James 1-3

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