“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.”

Matthew 13:44
For anyone who has had some success in running, there is a temptation to make running a treasure and a priority on which we base our life. I’ve had some good races over the years and am familiar with that temptation. Success and desire for success in running (or in anything for that matter) can consume us.

The inevitable bad race (I’ve had a number of those as well!) gives us an opportunity to display that our greatest treasure is not running after all, but is the gift of salvation in Christ Jesus.

In Matthew 13 we read about a man who found a treasure hidden in a field, hid it again, and then with great joy sold everything he had so that he could buy the field. “This man suddenly found something that transformed his whole outlook on life. The treasure restructured his values and priorities. It altered his goals. The treasure revolutionized the man” (Jon Bloom, 2014).

Let the treasure of the good news of Jesus Christ transform your whole outlook on life, orienting your values, priorities, and goals around Him.

Scripture Focus

Matthew 13:44-46


“I was a runner who happened to be a Christian. I needed to be a Christian who happened to be a runner.” (Ryan Hall, 2012)

Bible In A Year

  • 1 Chronicles 18-19
  • Psalm 2
  • Matthew 1-2

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