“The Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”

John 14:26
We just turned the calendar page on another month after rejoicing in Jesus’ resurrection from the grave. Clean up from your Easter celebrations yesterday may not even be finished yet, and you are wondering from a spiritual standpoint, Now what? How does the after-Easter Christian move ahead? Is it just a matter of counting the number of days remaining until the next big holiday? I don’t think so.

Jesus ascended to heaven after His resurrection, but He did not leave His disciples then or us now without His presence. He promised “another Counselor to be with you forever—the Spirit of truth” (John 14:16-17). The “Now what?” question is answered by the reality that as “after the grave Christians,” we have the Holy Spirit leading us and guiding us, comforting us and advocating for us, encouraging us and reminding us of all Jesus taught.

This month’s Anchor will look at many of the ways God is with us. We go forward into each day because Jesus let us know that He is still with us through the power and presence of His Holy Spirit.

Scripture Focus

John 14:15-29


Now what? Move ahead with the amazing reassurance that your Savior conquered death, gave you His Holy Spirit, and is still with you.

Bible In A Year

  • Deuteronomy 23-24
  • Psalm 91
  • Acts 15

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