“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33
Runners know that the rewards of their sport don’t come without pain. Sometimes injuries happen. Even healthy, well-trained athletes will “feel the burn” as they push themselves to the limit during competition.

While cheering on our sons and their teammates during a recent meet, we heard a coach exhort one of his flagging runners, “It’s going to hurt anyway—you might as well go all out!”

Like runners, believers should expect suffering and not be surprised by it. Jesus told us plainly that our lives would be filled with trouble. Just as runners can expect to endure burning lungs and muscles, intermittent injuries, and issues with weather, we can expect to endure suffering of all types as we “run the race” of our Christian journey.

But that suffering is no reason to stop running! Heartened by Jesus’ assurance of victory, we can stride out boldly even in the midst of life’s sorrows and storms, doing the work He’s called us to do. “It’s going to hurt,” but our perseverance through pain reaps eternal fruit as well as earthly results.

Scripture Focus

John 16:25-33


This piece was contributed by Rebecca, current cross-country mom and former cross-country team runner.

Bible In A Year

  • 2 Chronicles 1-2
  • Psalm 808
  • Matthew 12

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