“After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God.”

Mark 16:19
Have you ever watched magic tricks performed by a pro? Unless someone shows you the secret, you can’t figure out the sleight-of-hand.

On the day Jesus ascended from earth to heaven, you can be sure people were wanting to know how it was done. Was it yet another miracle that He performed as He left our world? Was it a magic trick?

The Bible tell us that Jesus didn’t ascend on His own power, but that He “was taken up into heaven.” Grammar students will recognize the passive verb, “was taken up,” but also the absence of an agent who lifted Him to heaven.

Thus “how did Jesus ascend?” really comes down to “who took Him up?” Paul wrote, “Christ died for our sins …he was buried …he was raised” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). Jesus actively laid down His life for us. He was passive in His burial and resurrection. But who raised Him?

Peter declared, “God raised him from the dead” (Acts 2:24). Jesus didn’t raise Himself, but was raised from death by God. And who took Him up? God Himself exalted our incarnate Lord to His right hand.

Imagine the joy in heaven at His return!

Scripture Focus

John 6:60-63


“[The ascension] was the Father’s act in calling home one whom he loved with all his heart.” (Derek Thomas, 1997)

Bible In A Year

  • Joshua 15-16
  • Psalm 104
  • Romans 1-2

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