“Hear my voice when I call, O LORD; be merciful to me and answer me.”

Psalm 27:7
If you argue that technology does not have a hold on you, consider how you react when your technology fails. My hunch is that, like most of us, you panic and anxiously try to fix it. You turn to other technology to help you. And you lose sleep over it if the problem persists. 

Can we—even in our world of high-tech everything—settle ourselves and turn to the Lord in our trouble? We can! In the Bible, David often found himself running to the Lord. He may have hoped for an instant, pronounced answer from Him. But God’s answer came to David the way it often comes to you and me: in a quiet voice heard in our hearts. Though sometimes we see God work dramatically, more often He quietly gives us a personal invitation to seek His face. 

David’s warm response to that is, “Your face, Lord, I will seek” (v. 8). God didn’t override the system or offer a reset button to solve everything (though He could have!). Rather, He beckoned David to listen for Him in the storms. He also calls us to search for Him in the quiet of our souls’ harbors.

Scripture Focus

Psalm 27


Whatever I am doing today, Lord, I want to seek Your face and find quiet for my soul. Thank You for being my God and Savior. Amen

Bible In A Year

  • Job 5-6
  • Psalm 45
  • Luke 8