“Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?”

John 6:9
I learned of an effort to raise money for world hunger wherein a young person challenged the congregation to contribute loose change. Some wondered if gathered nickels and dimes could result in a significant total. On collection day, several strong men were needed to carry the coins down the aisle. It turned out that very much was made of what seemed like very little. 

When Jesus fed more than 5,000 along the mountainside near the Sea of Galilee, His disciples must have been astonished. Andrew had wondered how the five loaves and two fish they’d come up with could possibly be enough. But the disciples and other followers of Jesus saw firsthand that while in a pouch it was just bread and fish, in Jesus’ hands it was an endless life supply. Little is much when God is in it. 

Jesus has always been in the business of making something out of little or out of nothing at all, from the moment of world’s creation to now. He takes the hollowness of our hearts and the inadequacy of our efforts and redeems them for His glory. 


Scripture Focus

John 6:1-13


God gives enough grace that in all things we have all we need to abound in every good work (see 2 Corinthians 9:8).

Bible In A Year

  • Joshua 5-6
  • Psalm 99
  • Acts 23

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