“This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me. … This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.”

Luke 22:19-20
Martin Luther was said to have written the “for you” words of this verse in capital letters to emphasize the truth that Jesus Christ and all of Scripture have been given FOR YOU. 

In any loving relationship, there are things one person gives or does that he or she designates as for you. Imagine coming home and finding a wrapped gift on the counter. The tag on it, inscribed in the handwriting of your loved one, says “For You.” It’s not your birthday or Christmas; the gift has been given simply because the giver knows it would be perfect for you. 

That is not unlike how God our heavenly Father has given us the ultimate gift in Jesus. The gift tag, written in His own hand, is His Word, the Bible. We unwrap it and discover wondrously that He has presented us with the perfect gift. They’re listed in chapter 5 of Romans: peace with God (v. 1), access to God (v. 2), hope (v. 2b), triumph in trouble (vv. 3-4), love (v. 5), the Holy Spirit (v. 5), deliverance from God’s wrath (vv. 9-10), and joy (v. 11). 

Dear friend, all of these are FOR YOU! 

Scripture Focus

Luke 22:7-20


Heavenly Father, thank You for instituting the Lord’s Supper for us so that we might regularly remember the profoundly life-changing gift You've given us. Amen

Bible In A Year

  • Nehemiah 12-13
  • Psalm 37
  • Mark 16