“Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him; I will surely defend my ways to his face.”

Job 13:15
Depression makes us cynical, even fatalistic. We think we are helpless to affect our circumstances, a lie whose deep roots persuade us that God is unwilling and unable to help us in our affliction. While struggling with depression for a season in college, I stopped reading God’s Word, praying, and attending church. It seemed that God wasn’t helping me, so I wouldn’t help myself to the grace He freely offered. Foolishly, I was giving up on the God who gave Himself for me. 

As one who has been there, I urge you not to shield your eyes and hide your heart from God. He sees. He knows. He loves. Cry out to Him in your need. Prayer gives you your voice back. It affirms your relationship with the Lord and reminds you that He never turns a deaf ear toward His children. Spend time with Him in His Word. He can use that Word to release the stranglehold of depression on your heart. Worship Him with His people, and allow Him to love you through your eternal, blood-bought family. 

Fight to keep your hope firmly rooted in Jesus. 

Scripture Focus

Job 13:13-28


“Who like thyself my guide and strength can be?/ Through cloud and sunshine, O abide with me.” (Henry Francis Lyte, 1847)

Bible In A Year

  • Esther 3-4
  • Psalm 39
  • Luke 2

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