“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.”

Romans 8:26
In our exile, the Lord has given Christians a superpower. Seriously! Do you think He would leave us in this world, with all of its heartache, to follow Him in our own power? No. He gives us His Spirit—our “superpower”—who helps us in our weakness. Think about those times when you don’t even have the words to pray, when you feel empty and helpless. The Holy Spirit is there to not only sustain you but to offer up the desperate prayers of your heart. He brings them before the Father through the intercession of Jesus, your high priest. 

If the very Spirit of God abides within us, then it means that we are never left alone in our exile. The Holy Spirit is with us when we wake up, He goes with us to work, He convicts us when we sin, He comforts us when we feel lost, and He accompanies us into our slumber. The Holy Spirit is the Lord’s response to our exile. He is God with us until our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ returns. 

Daily the Holy Spirit points to the cross and to the Day when our faith will be made sight. In Him, you are never alone. 


Scripture Focus

Romans 8:26-30


“What we need is not more learning, more eloquence, more persuasion, [or] more organization, but more power from the HolySpirit.” (John Stott, 1921-2011)

Bible In A Year

  • 2 Samuel 22
  • Psalm 147
  • 1 Timothy 3-4

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