Simon Peter answered him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God."

John 6:68-69
In deep loss, there is a resigned comfort that says as Peter did, “Where else would we go but to the Lord?”
Four months after our daughter’s death, we received the detailed police report which confirmed that her death was accidental and instant. I dreaded reading how her body had been found at the bottom of a high cliff, so I put it off. Then I looked in my prayer journal and discovered my Bible reading had been Psalm 91 on the day we got the phone call. As I read again how God commands His angels to lift those who fall, it seemed God was assuring me that His angels caught her right away and took her up to heaven. He knew that otherwise I would have always doubted the police report.
God speaks words of comfort in very personal ways to your unique situation as you read the Bible. Draw near to Him, and He will draw near to you. What God is telling you in Scripture will be fitting for your hurting heart in the time and way you need it most. Read His Word as if it were your very lifeline. It is!

Scripture Focus

Psalm 91:1-16


God speaks to us through His word. Be sure you’re listening!

Bible In A Year

  • Ezekiel 31-32
  • Psalm 146
  • 1 Timothy 1-2

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