“Then they asked him, ‘What must we do to do the works God requires?’ Jesus answered, ‘The work of God is this: to believe I the one he has sent.’”

John 6:28-29
By this point in December, you are probably keenly aware of the pressures we feel at this time of year. Christmas is supposed to be good and calm and lovely. But we worry instead, asking ourselves, Have I purchased all the gifts? Does the house look perfect? What food am I serving? Is there more I should do?

That last question seeps into our lives quite often. Back in Jesus’ day, people then, too, were asking, “What do we need to do?” We’re magnetically drawn to the idea of a list of works we can check off our list to please God. But a nagging voice keeps us wondering how much is enough. Will we ever be able to do it all?

No, indeed we will not. But Jesus has done it all for us! And when we collapse before Him in desperation, asking what it is we must do, we hear Him say, “Just believe in me.” You might even hear, “Believe in Christmas,” for it’s the true story of the Savior who has come.

Though God has prepared good works for us to do (see Ephesians 2:10), they are a response to God’s grace, not the cause of His grace. Rest in His works!

Scripture Focus

John 6:25-40


The gospel message is not about what you have done for God; it is about what God has done for you!

Bible In A Year

  • Amos 4-6
  • Proverbs 18
  • 1 John 3-4

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