“‘Leave her alone,’ Jesus replied. ‘It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial.’”

John 12:7
Six days before Passover, Mary and Martha gave a dinner in Jesus’ honor. What a joy for their no-longer-dead brother Lazarus to be present with them! Martha served the meal, in keeping with her gifts.

But Mary was riveted by the One who had given their brother back to them, the One with power over death. She was moved with gratitude and love. Her most valuable possession was the alabaster jar of pure nard, perhaps given by her parents to ensure her financial security for the days ahead. She broke open the flask of perfume, lavishly pouring it all onto Jesus’ feet and filling the house with the aroma of her love.

Jesus overrode Judas’ objection to Mary’s extravagance that day, knowing the greed that lay behind it. The nard washed over Jesus’ skin, giving a scent that He would carry with Him all week long. Even on the day He bore His own cross and had nails driven through His feet, that aroma would be evident.

As he buried Jesus in his own tomb on the close of that day, Joseph of Arimathea would smell the anointing perfume too.

Scripture Focus

John 12:1-8


When our hearts are full of Jesus’ love for us, we’re moved to pour out our love for Him. Thus His fragrance remains and spreads.

Bible In A Year

  • Joshua 1-2
  • Psalm 97
  • Acts 21

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