“Then he taught me, and he said to me, ‘Take hold of my words with all your heart; keep my commands, and you will live.’”

Proverbs 4:4
When I was a kid and up to bat, my baseball coach would say, “Above all else, keep your eye on the ball!” Now after two knee replacement surgeries, my doctor says, “Above all else, do the therapy!” When I was a reserve police officer, my sergeant would say, “Above all else, stay alert!” There are a lot of instructions out there for life, each important in its own way. It’s hard to follow it all!

My Bible says to have the mind of Christ and guard your heart “above all else.” Solomon wrote, “So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong” (1 Kings 3:9). A discerning heart is one that listens as God implants His truth into our minds. Above all else we must guard this.

When Christ is at home in us, we know Him and reflect Him in our thoughts and words. His Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our paths (see Psalm 119:105). As we put Him first in our lives, we remember that above all else, He came to this world seeking us and saving us, His precious children.


Scripture Focus

Proverbs 4


“I know of no other single practice in the Christian life more rewarding, practically speaking, than memorizing Scripture.” (Charles R. Swindoll, 1983).

Bible In A Year

  • 2 Samuel 7-8
  • Psalm 139
  • Philippians 3-4

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