"Jesus answered, 'Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst.'"
(John 4:13-14a)

John 4:1-26
The journey-weary Jesus stops by a well for rest and refreshment. Jews and Samaritans were deeply divided in their theology and view of Jerusalem. As a result, relations were strained and the two avoided consorting with one another. But Jesus doesn’t see race; He sees relationship. Much to the Samaritan woman’s surprise, Jesus engages her in conversation. As their dialogue unfolds, she learns that the promised Messiah is the traveler she has been conversing with. She came to draw common water and found the Living Water instead!

We live in an age of indulgence. Even our options for indulgence are indulgent! Every magazine page, TV screen, billboard, and web browser is filled with offers that promise to add something “essential” to your life. Though they guarantee satisfaction, those options fulfill only temporarily. When J.D. Rockefeller was once asked, “How much money is enough?” he replied, “Just a little bit more.” Have we lost touch with what it means to feel truly satisfied? Don’t lose touch with Jesus!

Scripture Focus

John 4:1-26


Lord Jesus, teach us to seek our satisfaction from the only true source – you, and you alone.

Bible In A Year

  • 2 Chronicles 35-36
  • Psalm 25
  • Mark 4