“The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

John 3:8
Many years ago Valerie and I and our 10-year-old daughter were scrambling up a high peak in the English Lake District. We were nearing the top when a violent wind rushed in. It was so strong that we could hardly stand and had to turn back. We didn’t know the origin of the wind; couldn’t see it at all. But did we ever know the force of it!

Jesus spoke of the wind as a perfect metaphor of His Spirit as He sweeps mightily into our lives. We read in Genesis in the first two verses of the Bible that the wind of the Spirit hovered over the chaos and created order. We also read of Pentecost when the disciples were bowled over by the Spirit and were so changed that they seemed to observers to be drunk. Nicodemus, who had come secretly to Jesus at night, went boldly to the authorities after the crucifixion to ask for Jesus’ body, for the Spirit had been breathed into his life and had changed him.

Be open to the powerful wind of the Spirit. Fling open the windows of your innermost self and see how He works in and through you.

Scripture Focus

John 3:1-21


When the mighty wind of the Holy Spirit gusts into your life, there will be change!

Bible In A Year

  • Genesis 45-46
  • Psalm 23
  • Mark 3

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