What it Means to Pray for Keeps

With just six days left before next week’s general election in the US, it’s easy to see that people are divided. Every major news network is stacked with election coverage and they won’t let up until it’s all over.

Even Christians are divided over how to reopen the economy, solve the pandemic, and settle every other issue at stake this year. But that’s not what the Lord is calling us to do. Yes, it’s important to care about the issues around us and to vote, but we must never lose sight of God’s kingdom.

And so I’ve begun to think about what I should be doing as a Christian first, American second.

I am voting. But it’s important to remember that voting is a privilege, not a biblical mandate—you can’t proof-text it from Scripture. Instead, for the next few days, I want to make prayer my priority. And I’d like to ask you to join me in praying for keeps.

How do you do that? Here’s a start.

Pray for godly leadership.
Pray for leaders who will look to heaven and also pray for wisdom to represent those you are entrusted in their care.
Pray God’s will for an election outcome.
Pray for the end of a debilitating pandemic.
Pray for those who are out of work, whose money is running out.
Pray for those who are worse off than you.
Pray for family and friends who are anxious, who are depressed, who are searching for meaning.

Now is a time to pray for keeps. Not simply for a particular outcome, but for the division in the church today, for the health of those in the way of COVID-19, and for the well-being of people who are finding themselves isolated or out of work.

We ned to pray with eternity in mind.

I also pray that more people than ever will realize that Jesus is their greatest need. May Paul’s words in Colossians 3 ring true across the continent.

… set your heart on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.
Colossians 3:1-3

Now, as you and I continue to get barraged with political spins and polling predictions, will you join me in putting these words to action these next few days? We can do that by setting our hearts and minds on Jesus first, holding fast to Christ, and praying for keeps.


As the leader of the 80-year-old Haven Ministries, Charles Morris is always thinking of ways to lead Christians and non-Christians to Christ—hence the familiar slogan, “Telling the great story … it’s all about Jesus.” Charles is a former secular journalist, who has worked for United Press International, and as a press secretary for two former U.S. senators. He began working in the Christian world after seminary, coming to Haven as the fourth speaker in 2000. He and his wife, Janet, have written several books, including Fleeing ISIS, Finding Jesus.


What does it mean to follow Jesus this election season? Perhaps, more importantly, what does it mean to follow Jesus after election day: after you pull the lever, the votes are tallied, and we have a new President? One thing we’re commanded to do is to pray for our leaders. We want to share with you a simple way to pray for those in authority. 

30 Ways to Pray for Those in Authority is the perfect guide to prayer for our leaders. It’s practical, it’s biblical, and it’s a daily reminder that leaders—like all of us—desperately need God’s grace, wisdom, and protection.

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