Barry Black: Make Your Voice Heard in Heaven

At the 2017 National Prayer Breakfast, US Senate Chaplain Barry Black delivered a powerful speech that sparked cheers and brought thousands of attendees to their feet. In order to make ourselves heard in a way that really changes things, he said, we must start calling upon God—the one who holds the ultimate power.

One Year Pray For America Bible

Barry Black wrote the forward for this special edition of The One Year Bible that includes non-partisan prayer prompts and inspirational prayers that help you intercede for your neighbors and your nation. It equips you to apply your daily Bible reading as short prayers for leaders in every sphere of civic life and from whatever country you come from. This daily devotional Bible will help you apply the principles of God’s unchanging Word to effective prayer for our rapidly changing world.

Pray for the pressing needs of your country as you read through this entire Bible in just one year.


  • Tony Russo says:

    WOW! Thank God HE works through HIS people and Dr. Black is truly HIS.

  • Ron says:

    Truly a man of God. Love his preaching.

  • Ann says:

    Thanks to Haven for telling us about the Pray for America NLT Bible, a tremendous blessing. I easily read through the Bible last year, often reading ahead to finish a topic! It is a helpful reference and I bought several copies for Friends and Bible study group.
    I am still using my copy on a daily basis. The daily prayers are still so appropriate — based each day on the passage of scripture (OT, NT a Psalm and Proverb). The endurance of Mr Black is awesome. Thank God for Him

    • Corum Hughes says:

      Thanks so much for letting us know how this resource blessed you over the past year. And we echo your thanks for Mr. Barry Black.

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