“This is what the Sovereign LORD… says: ‘In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength.’”

Isaiah 30:15
I sat riveted before the TV, feeling paralyzed, powerless, and petrified as the twin towers crumbled into a cloud of dust. I was stupefied at the incomprehensible loss of life occurring before my eyes and at once realized the world had just become irreversibly altered. Life as we knew it would never be the same.

Serving as a law enforcement chaplain, my job was to minister to hearts and give hope amid the chaos of confusion and fear. It was not an easy thing to do when I myself was wading through the same issues. But what I found were ready receptors in those who did not lose hope in a God of grace, a God who promises life in the light of His love.

We were attacked by evil rooted in sin, and sin lurks within us all. But in the name of God’s love, people throughout the community, state, nation, and world came together in a way not seen before in our generation. They gave us a glimpse of what true reconciliation and redemption look like. From out of the ruins and rubble of 9/11, we could see the Lord’s mercies rise.

Scripture Focus

Isaiah 30:13-14


Chaplain Herb Smith has been caring for law enforcement personnel in San Diego for 32 years and gives God all the glory for each individual he’s impacted for Jesus.

Bible In A Year

  • Isaiah 18-19
  • Psalm 80
  • John 21

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